video games

video games video games video games games games…

You’re favorite video game, is what you should name now.

mine is well - just words “video games suck
go buy a PC game and be a REAL gamer.”

The Age series for the Computer. (Age of Empires, Age of Mythology blah)
The Civilization Series for the computer. (You should know this!)
The BFME series. (Lord of the rings Age of Empires blah concept)

Blah blah, I like strategy games. :smiley:
Rise of rome . . no mans land. . command and conquer series. :smiley:

The Age series for the Computer. (Age of Empires, Age of Mythology blah)
The Civilization Series for the computer. (You should know this!)
The BFME series. (Lord of the rings Age of Empires blah concept)

Blah blah, I like strategy games. :smiley:
Rise of rome . . no mans land. . command and conquer series. :smiley:

best strategy game series (IMO) Fire Emblem.

GRID, Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, Spore

Supreme commander, GTA, NFS, DoW