The Graal Reborn Website is now back and updated. It’s a little rusty since it’s still under construction, but it will soon be much better than it used to be!
Could it be feasible to have a files section with links to torrents? Also maybe a user content sharing section where people can upload levels, npcs, graphics and stuff? I know that there would be potential for unixmad complaints and abuses with each of those, which is why I also suggest for emphasizing fair use, and having all uploaded content reviewed and moderated and having the uploaders agree to publish as creative commons license.
[QUOTE=BallinGraalin;4655]Could it be feasible to have a files section with links to torrents? Also maybe a user content sharing section where people can upload levels, npcs, graphics and stuff? I know that there would be potential for unixmad complaints and abuses with each of those, which is why I also suggest for emphasizing fair use, and having all uploaded content reviewed and moderated and having the uploaders agree to publish as creative commons license.[/QUOTE]
if you want to share your ganis, create a new thread in with the title “[ Share ] - Gani-Name” like: “[ Share ] - Changing hat”. This will be implemented in all Development subforums.
Everything ends up here:
yay! thats the layout i remember
Everything ends up here:[/quote]
That looks uhh… self explanatory after clicking… cough ugly cough
Joey, I’ll make it nicer later. That’s just alpha stage of it.
Alright if you want you should make a file uploader php script (that only works when logged in, and we should also restrict it so that you have some activity and can only upload one type of a file at a time)
This will be used for the serverlist global files list in which the serverlist will send gserver global files if they don’t exist. :).
I could probably work that out. But it’s so easy to just use the forums upload and there’s a lesser chance of security holes.
Having a thread for everytime someone wants to upload a head will make me shooot myself in the head. I’ll do it if you don’t think you can make it ‘secure’ enough… o.O
[QUOTE=Joey;4735]Having a thread for everytime someone wants to upload a head will make me shooot myself in the head. I’ll do it if you don’t think you can make it ‘secure’ enough… o.O[/QUOTE]
Sure, do it. I don’t want to be responsible for some website defacement.