This is where we can post all the tips for NPC coding that it doesnt quite explain as well as it could, first up some simple ones to get us started…
hide; (hides the NPC from all, can be used with local (hidelocal; ) to hide from the players who have triggered it)
show; (shows the NPC to all, can be used with local (showlocal; ) to show to the players who have triggered it)
setlevel2 , , ; (level name to warp to , x to warp to , y to warp to )
setimg filename; (change the image form what it was before)
setimgpart filename, , , , ; (chages the image from what it was before, but you can set a rectangular area of the chosen image to show(filename,x in picsals ,y in picsals ,width in picsals ,height in picsals ))
If you have the time to post the FULL list with FULL explanations then please do, but if not then just posting bits of what you know would be good to help anyone who needs to know.