what games ya play.


Re: what games ya play.


Re: what games ya play.


very long list…

but right now im concentrating on, Diablo 2 LOD, Postal 2 AWP (A Week in Paradise mod for Apocalypse Weekend expansion), Thief Deadly Shadows, Tremulous, Rise of Nations Thrones and Patriots, recently started playing Empire Earth. (I like its opening fmv). Black & White (and whenever I get my laptop working again I will be playing a lot of Black & White 2), I also recently got full verion of Nethergate Resurrection from spiderweb software. (played the origianal way back when but never had the money to buy it), a freeware game called Battletanks 2, I also play SWAT 4 and its expansion and this wierd game called Silencer when I get bored…

those are the games I play right now…I have over 1000 games total on my PC, and recently, i been reading ebooks more (I download 991 ebooks a couple days ago, all fantasy Sci-Fi (vampires, were's, zombies, dragons, wizards, ect). I am finishing the series Anita Blake Vampire Hunter) …that is all

Re: what games ya play.

Too many to mention. Recent 'gems' would be the orange box in its entirity, world in conflict, bleach ds (ace, ace fighter by treasure, even if you ditch the bleach license), etc. Too many games on the way too, dangnammit.

Re: what games ya play.

I wish I had the system for the orange box…I so want to play portal, I got bored with Narbacular Drop. I have HL2 legit already…is portal any system heavier than HL2?

PS: I also forgot to mention Upshift Strikeracer from gpotatoe, its a good racing/combat game… (online only)

Re: what games ya play.

D2 LoD, TM Nations, Graal, Overlord, UT2k4, Cave Story, Thief, Garrys Mod, Diablo, GTA San Andreas, tons of SNES and GBA games.

Re: what games ya play.

Its a bit more system heavy, but if you can run HL2 smoothly (even if you have to put settings down to low), then you'll be able to play portal all the same.
If HL2 isn't all that smooth then I'd stay clear of the orange box for now. Oh, and portal itself is fairly short, you can complete it in a few hours. TF2 probably has the longest lifespan out of the box, but requires the most specs (the cartoon shaders do cause a bit of a strain). HL 2, Ep 1 and Ep 2 are all fairly similar spec, though Ep 1 and Ep 2 require a little more than the base game.

As you own it already, by buying the orange box you'd net yourself a gift code for someone else for any products you already have on your steam account too. If its only HL2 you have, its not too much a deal (the rest is all worth the price), but if you've got episode 1 too you might want to hold off a little until the games are available seperately or in different packages.

Re: what games ya play.

I have Half-Life 2, HL2DM, Lost Island, Counterstrike : Source, Day of Defeat Source.(the following are hl2 mods) Gmod9(no way to buy gmod10). Dystopia, Empires, Insects Infestation, smod, substance, I also got Fortress Forever, but its really slow…TF2 wont run on my computer.

and I rather dont care if portal is short…I like the concept of a portal device like that. (if only it existed in the real world)

Re: what games ya play.

It exists for gmod9 and gmod10, guess where they got the idea ;D

Re: what games ya play.

the gmod portal device just teleports you…it would of been better if they made it just like the one in Portal. (maybe they will since portal got released)

Re: what games ya play.

It also teleports objects since version 0.6, and they went halfway through in 0.7, but that was bugged an removed again in 0.71. Mahalis released version 1 after the release of Portal, that also changes your view direction, just like in Portal, so when you go through one on a wall leading to one on the ground you will face up.

Re: what games ya play.

well, when they perfectly copy the portal gun and it works for gmod9, I will download it…I cant afford gmod10…no money, and no online money thing to pay with.

Re: what games ya play.

“They” is just a single person. It already is exactly the same as in Portal, since he worked with those dudes on Portal. Though you sometimes fall through the ground since the levels are not really made for the portal gun ;D

Re: what games ya play.

Unlocked since it's better than starting a new thread for the same thing.
I got Saints Row for 360 the other day, haven't played it at all. Anyone want to get some co-op going on with me?
On PC at the moment i'm playing Zoo Tycoon and uhh Graal believe it or not. I also play Call of Duty 4 when my girlfriend isn't around (not often) which means I haven't even finished it yet, how pathetic am I :stuck_out_tongue: I do plan to play Crysis someday as i've played the demo and it was pretty cool although the AI were a bit bullshit in their ability to sight me.

Re: what games ya play.

Games I own. All are the actual product. It's no wonder that I'm broke.

Diablo I + Hellfire
Diablo II + LoD
StarCraft + Broodwar
Warcaft II BNE
World of Warcraft + Burning Crusade (Collector's)
Elderscrolls III: Morrowind + Tribunal + Bloodmoon
Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion + Knights of Nine + Shivering Isle
Unreal Tournament Anthology
Unreal Tournament 2003 (Terrible game)
Unreal Tournament III
MechWarrior 4: Vengeance
MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries
City of Villains
Myst II: RiVen
Myst V: End of Ages
Hellgate: London
Final Fantasy XI + Rise of Zilart + Chains of Promathia + Treasures of Aht Urhgan
Fable: The Lost Chapters

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Star Ocean: Second Story
Lunar II: Eternal Blue Complete


Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
.hack//G.U. Vol. 1 Rebirth
.hack//G.U. Vol. 2 Reminisce
.hack//G.U. Vol. 3 Redemption
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Phantasy Star Universe
Kingdom Hearts
Kingdom Hearts II
Zone of The Enders
Zone of The Enders: Second Runner
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry 2
Devil May Cry 3
Chaos Legion
Jak And Daxter
Jak 2
Jak 3
We <3 Katamari
Bloodrayne (Terrible game)
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
Soul Calibur II
Soul Calibur III
Sonic Mega Collection Plus

Assassin's Creed
Elderscrolls IV: Oblivion (GOTY)
Eye of Judgment
Armored Core IV
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam
Rock Band (Complete bundle)

I'm not even going to touch what I have on my older consoles, unless you wanna hear'em. ;D

Re: what games ya play.

I play guitar hero 2,3 Rock band, WoW, Earthbound, Portal, Gmod, Goonzu, Tricksters, and San Andreas Online

Re: what games ya play.

Ah! Indeed, I forgot about Portal. That's the only game I've bought that I don't have a physical disc to. Since, I bought it from Steam's store thing.

Re: what games ya play.

The only games i've bought other than Quake3 and Diablo2 are all Steam based. I even bought CS1.6 & CSS twice since my original account with HL1+HL2 got disabled for use of a cracked Steam client which is utter bollocks since I was at a LAN Cafe -_- Fuck Valve.

But anyway, we had a mini lan get together thing last night and I played Unreal Tournament 3 (Fuck the impact hammer owns!), Supreme Commander and Warcraft 3 (DOTA, Vampirism, Treetag and some Missile Defense thing). I don't really like Supreme Commander or DOTA. Right now i've started playing Oblivion again however it keeps crashing to desktop for some reason (Quicksave often!) and I started Saints Row earlier but it froze on me and I hadn't saved in awhile so i'm taking a break to post on forums / see what's going on with IRC.

Re: what games ya play.

Everything in italics is me being a pirate because its its either abandon ware, unavailable, or me being too poor.

PC Games
The Sims 2 + All Expansions with exception to 'stuff packs'
Gears of War
Black & White
Black & White 2 + Battle of the Gods
Grand Theft Auto 2
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Universe at War
Supreme Command + Forged Alliance
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 + *Yuri's Revenge

Command & Conquer: Tiberium Sun + Fire Storm
Command & Conquer: Generals
Command & Conquer 3
Grim Fandango

Day of the Tentacle
Mech Warrior 2
Mech Warrior 3 + Pirate's Moon
Mech Warrior 4 + Black Knight
Mech Commander 2
Heavy Gear 2
Space Colony
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Roller Coaster Tycoon 3
Toon Struck
LEGO Rock Raiders
Sim City 4
Diablo II + Lord of Destruction
War Craft III + Frozen Throne
Megaman Legends
Submarine Titans
Metal Fatigue
Worms 4: Mayhem
Final Fantasy VII
Megaman X8
Septerra Core
Star Craft + Brood War

Re: what games ya play.

lol… You want pirated games? There wasn't a single one on my list that was. God… I think my list would be ridiculously huge if I added those in.