Who plays DDR?..

Yeah, I am serious. Who plays? Rather it be the keyboard style one or the dance mat I'm curious who plays here. I play as often as I can, theres another tourment in my town in March (Not an offical one of course). Heres my fav song list as of now and also no BULLSHIT and STUPID shit in this topic, I don't care rather you like or not just don't start anything.

Song List

MAKE A JAM! - U1 - Heavy
One More Time - Daft Punk - Heavy and Challenge
Take On Me - A-ha - Heavy
We Will Live Together - From DDR:HP - Heavy
I Was The One - good-cool - Heavy
I Was The One [80's Eurobeat] - good-cool - Heavy
Lufia 2: Rise of the sentinels - Sentienl Boss - Challenge
Streets of Rage 2 - Sega - Standred
I Need You (Insideout Door Mix) - From one of the DDRs - Heavy
Love Love Shine [2006 mix] - One of the DDRs - Standred
Love Love Shine [tropical Mix] - One of the DDRs - Heavy
Captain Jack [Grandle Finale] - One of the DDRs - Standred
Banana Phone - Raffi - Heavy
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious - Uh…forgot - Standred
Super Mario World [Rock Remix] - SNES - Heavy
Final Fantasy [Battle Mix] - Square-enix - Standred (9 min song)
September (Remix) - Earth, Wind & Fire - Heavy

these are the songs I like most. They float between 7-11 footers and bpm is pretty damn fast on some of them.

Re: Who plays DDR?..

Man, I haven't played in ages. I just bought a new home so I'm finally going to be able to set up my DDR machine. My current place sucks on space and the floor bounces everything off the shelves. lol. I downloaded StepMania, bought two pads and a PS2->USB adapter. Gotta love it.

My favorites, that I can remember:

Exotic Ethnic - Heavy x2
Abyss - Heavy x3
B4U (GloriousStyle) - Heavy x2
Cartoon Heroes - Standard x2 (Heavy is freaking weird)
Witch Doctor - Heavy x2
Holic - Heavy x2
Rhythm and Police - Heavy x2

Re: Who plays DDR?..

Haha, I always hated B4U, at least its steps. I know what you mean, theres only one room in this old house of mine with one stable floor and its the living room (only enough space for two mats until I get rid of one of the couches). Also, if you are looking for pad steps seeing there tricky to fine from time to time I suggest visiting http://zenius-i-vanisher.com you can actually fine quite a few of the songs from the offical DDRs and of course user sumbited simfiles.

Re: Who plays DDR?..

Thanks! I'll have the check that out! Are there any particular favorite userfiles you've found?

Re: Who plays DDR?..

Butterfly - Smile.DK
Dragonfly - Smile.DK
Bumble Bee - Smile.DK <- Funny as hell (sidenote, see a pattern yet?)

Re: Who plays DDR?..

Haven't spend enough time looking through simfiles, but I did fine one I forget who, song is 'All Around The World (e=mc2 mix)' I think its a 8-footer? Make the speed to 1.5x or 2x too up its pace, it's a fun song and I quite enjoy it so give it a try, once I have looked through there users sumbited simfiles l'll post the best ones I've found. I suggest trying the song 'One More Lovely' from one of the users someone made a WORKING stepfile for the song.

Also, Beholder, the song 'Butterfly' well, I think it sucksass because altogether the music is bad and its steps feels off beat.

Here's the link to 'All Around The World' http://zenius-i-vanisher.com/v4/viewsimfile.php?simfileid=1311

Re: Who plays DDR?..

Needed to double-post, I started creating simfiles, song is 'Happy Again (S&K Mix)' I believe its a six-footer, only standred mode, I think there is a couple spots that are off-beat but shouldn't be noticeable I suggest either keeping it default for 1x speed or 2x speed.

This is my first time I spent about three and half an hour working on this, heres the link; http://rapidshare.com/files/81511527/mysteps.zip.html

NOTE: Some reason when playing some of my steps don't show the 'freeze' steps, so unless it doesn't show play it in the 'Edit Courses or Songs' thing. I tested this out on my psp and the 'freeze' steps showed up, so, meh. Sorry for the typos in a hurry.

Current simfiles I'm working on;

~ Sub-State - Take Me Up (DJ Vibes & Wishdokta Remix)
~ CJ Crew featuring PLAINMAN - One More Time - Done!
~ DJ Speedo - September
~ Smiling Jane - Happy Again (S&K Mix) - Done!

Re: Who plays DDR?..

i play and u can play online at Flashflashrevolution.com and also stepmania.com i think also
Stepmania CVS for online play.one of my favorites are sakura,old school mix beat,let my mom sleep and others.

Re: Who plays DDR?..

let my mum sleep is a crazy song :stuck_out_tongue: