World Map!

Hey all!

sorry for the complete lack of updates. I just moved back, and been working on working, and money, and other random adult nonsense.


so i needed some motivation, been kind of dragging a bit when it came to the server. Last update was the ocarina we added to the tavern to play, as well as the dancing shoes and the jump rope.

I have been working pretty heavy on the GUI and i need to fix a couple of things, but for the most part, the HUD is done, and i need to design the inventory.

But then i thought…wait, i cannot design the inventory yet, because I have only worked out partial of the story line.
So i began to work on the storyline, and then i realized, i needed to figure out what the world is like, and what is going on in it.

…this brings us to this moment.

I have just created the world map for each section you will complete as you go. Obviously this makes the project extremely larger (which is fine, i do not mind working on it slow and steady) but i felt i wanted to add these areas in the future, only to further the storyline, and give the server/game more content to explore, and a steady world to immerse yourself in.

anyways, here is the world map!

i had to add it to tumblr, because its 6mb and the forum wont let me upload it here. so check out the link. the map is at the top.

any questions about the areas. let me know. the top left corner, “the Gailay Highlands” is what ive been working on, and what you see in game so far.

Looks nice, makes the world seem more exciting than it actually is, at least in its current form hah :stuck_out_tongue:

in time haha. Once i get a handle of where things will be, and what the stories and places will have, and what is going on in each place. It will be much easier to design and create things for it. :slight_smile: all in good time!

That map looks very nice, what program did you use to make it?

I hope he says ms paint.

actually, I used photoshop to create it. most of my high res digital art and design work is done with illustrator and photoshop. i could probably do up a tutorial how to do it when i get some time. i got a mic now. dunno if my computer can handle doing screen recording and other stuff…hmm, i can do a step by step tutorial. its been a while since i posted anything to the tutorial section. give me a week or so. ill try to get around to it :slight_smile:

do you use a tablet to draw or do you just use a normal mouse?

depends on the project. most stuff is done on the tablet, this map however was done with a mouse. It really depends how labor intensive the project is. this project for example, was not hard to do at all if you know how to use all the tools to work in your favor. ill make a tutorial of this for sure. :slight_smile:

Kick ass

Nice map and i like your sig too