wtf happened to my thread?

Why did it get deleted?
Is that a bug? Seems like it.

which thread

The one on climate

oh snap. i think i deleted it by mistake. my bad. everyone just say the same shit in this thread while i see if there is an undelete button somewhere.

yeah it’s gone. sorry

I should have kept a copy of the op…

yeah yall should know by now that you need to keep backups of anything i touch

and backups of those backups

So Dylan shows disbelief. VW straight out believes it’s a conspirac. Hosler would build giant monolits that transfer heat to space.

My aspiration is to catch interest of those like VW. Teach people about climate like civilization does on anthropology. Maybe bring a realisation to people that we do not have complete information on what could happen and why. Everyone knows that but not in every way.

The game needs to be surrealist and should be cruel at times. Its genre will be inspired by plague inc’s interface.

I’m still looking for ideas and studying on climate change and environment. had good info. Discovering CO2 isn’t the worst thing we release into the atmosphere although it receive all the attention. That’s something the game should address.

They’re pretty open about it being a lie for the casually “informed” public to consume simply as a vehicle for attacking capitalism and channeling our money to their patrons. How many patrons did Hilary have again? How can you accept their claims that we’re destroying the earth with our every activity, but not that maybe just maybe they’re power driven monsters that would just casually destroy every single culture in Europe with waves of Muslims? You do know that England, France, Sweden, Italy, etc are over right? No more open society, you cant even go out on New Years without being attacked by huge mobs of Muslims and the government response is to suppress the news and imprison dissenters. Those European “leaders” say the current greatest threat to European society is still climate change, there wont be any of those dumb European cultures in 20 years, let alone when their someday predictions would theoretically come true. Open your eyes, the cost of trusting the globalists at all is much greater than even their lies of climate catastrophe would supposedly be. Doubt people when you know they don’t have any stock in your well being.

Also Angela Merkel has successfully done more lasting damage than Adolf Hitler, they were probably having festivals west of the Berlin Wall within a couple years of WW2. Shit the Jews in France already live under constant armed guard and are leaving in large number. Probably not going to be having many festivals in Muslim occupied Europe in a couple years. So yeah, I’m going to be hard to convince that the man-made climate change threat is anything more than a power grab by megalomaniacs who see any price on others as worthy of their end goal. I believe in localized climate destruction, filling a pond tends to kill the stuff in it, but I’m not going to buy this shit about how our life style down to what we eat needs to change to what the Stateists with no meaningfully related credentials claim it should be. They don’t even believe in fucking quarantining and treating people with diseases we banished from the first world with great sacrifice decades ago. Totally going to manage all of the worlds resources in order to protect them about as well as they manage everything else.

I’m going to stop looking at this thread so I can restrain myself from posting sloppy rants.

So a game has been published that’s pretty much like what I had in mind:

Global Cooling, Global Warming, Climate Change and all the other bullshit is a fraud to exploit, scam, supress and eventually exterminate dumb people.

It’s convenient for the George Soros, the Rockefeller’s and similarly minded scum of the world because they can have a 99.9% slave class while having all the wealth, riches and luxury and actually do more real harm to the environment than the 99.9% of the people they subjugate previously did.

They use conflation and fallacies to push their utter nonsense that is not science, but simple minded propaganda. The sheeple buy it up because they do not need to actually think or do any real research of their own, just join a koolaid cult screaming buzzwords like CLIMATE CHANGE, RACIST, HOMOPHOBE, ect… “Do note that mass murderer eugenecist Malthus originally predicted the Earth’s carrying capacity to be only 1 to 1.5 billion people and that the earth’s biosphere would collapse around 1900ish.” Their time tables and lies come and go throughout the centuries and are proven to be lies, yet people still keep believing the liars… “The Pharoas used similar propaganda and garbage thousands of years ago to put fear into slaves and force them to build pyramids.” Every dictatorship and mass murderer in human history has been using the same lies and the same methods as the “climate change” cultists.

  • All this is not to say it is not possible for humans to damage the environment in real ways…

Because of the cult of global warming/climate change/whatever REAL environmentalism has suffered greatly. The iPhone using trendy dolts think they can just donate $20 to a virtue signaling sjw scam foundation and be absolved of any responsibility “the sjw scam organizations in actuality steal farms and land from poor people in africa and asia, murder the villagers and proceed to strip mine the area doing more real harm to innocent people and the environment.” These same SJW libtards then walk around throwing their starbucks cup and garbage on the ground 24/7. Just take a look at any of the SJW/libtard events or protests, these are by in large not responsible or good people, i’ve seen this first hand. - Then take into account the extreme environmental pollution done by the trendies buying new iPhones, iPads, xboxone, smart appliances, macbooks, CFL lightbulbs and other plastic/chemical crap every 6 months and throwing the old ones into the trash. and even if the trendy morons pay someone to recycle it, the company that promises to recycle it just tosses it into the trash anyways. Here’s a couple of examples i found just off the top of my head.

The videos and examples are legion, just look at the sidebar in related videos for more videos about that, but those two should be enough to prove my point.

People over consume, I know. I work at a place where people donate their old (and not-so-old) stuff and they sell them back at a low price. The amount of stuff that gets donated is crazy, I would never have imagined that. I think I’ll take a picture when I can.
I fully agree on what you wrote about trendists.

That said, I’m sorry I cannot watch these videos as I am using a metered cellphone internet connection. But what about the statistics on Are they bogus/cooked? What about the satellite pictures of arctic ice receding (woah, those weren’t satellite pictures, they were computer generated)? How do you explain also that some countries (such as England) already had to protect their shores because the sea level already has started to rise? The new travel route that opened north of Canada because there’s less ice?

Sahara desert getting gaining terrain… harder to verify. I’m also noticing that much of what NASA’s website claims to be factual have been released by governmental agencies. Also, there are before/after pictures that are clearly computer generated… with the satellites they have they should have been capable of taking real pictures… the whole before/after thing is kind of confusing.

I’m 90% sure on the travel route…

There’s something that looks like total bullshit if you give it a thought…
I’m mixed. That would mean we’ll have no winter. It /is/ unusually warm here but let’s see…


I wrote something, guys… and it showed no text and “unnaproved” on the bottom of my post. Said it would appear on next page… clicked to see it on next page, sent me back here with no post sent.
so I wrote
faljksdjoi and it worked.

So anyway, I can’t watch those videos because I’m on a metered connection. But here’s something stupid that might be why my post was unapproved.
That is stupid, although we’re having unusually warm weather right now that would mean no winter for us in Quebec… so let’s see,

Edit: Ok, so that wasn’t it.
Maybe it was because I showed disapproval of NASA’s “satellite pictures” that were mostly clearly computer generated.

Neither. maybe a mix of it. Or maybe the forum does that from time to time? Weird enough but I wouldn’t be surprised one of those crawlers get data from that auto-save feature… can we remove that feature? It’s annoying at best,

Let’s try again: NASA’s claims and facts come mostly from governmental agencies and it’s suspicious.

Here’s data from Denmark.


I don’t know, but I talk to a lot of field scientists, like your average Joe scientist, whose been in the field 10-20 years and they see climate change for themselves, especially in ocean populations. It’s clearly fucking with some ecosystems. There is some pretty good evidence to suggest that it’s unusual, too. It may not be as harmful as some are claiming, but it’s just because we don’t really know. It’s a super, super complex system to try and study, dumbing it down is a disingenous. Better safe than sorry. Besides, getting off fossil fuels only encourages research in other forms of energy and technology. Don’t you all want to construct a dyson sphere around the sun some day so we can finally advance as a civilization!!!

How would that electricity get to earth?

Tnx for the info. I’ve been studying climate change since I originally posted the deleted thread and it’s good to hear of someone who observed it (even if they’re so remotely linked to me).

It does seem to be a complex system; I’ve read some stuff and skimmed some books and there’s an impressive wealth of information on the subject, its causes, its evolution and its solutions. I’ve read they “fertilized” (between quotation mark in the book) a zone south of New-Zealand with iron filings. Mangroves are being considered as protection for shores. The theory that as the inner part of the atmosphere gets wetter the outer part gets drier and colder. Some other thing, the most worrisome, about how much methane is under the Arctic Ocean and that it could be released any time now, releasing 1000 times what we already have of methane in our atmosphere. Apart from the obvious plant trees (no even effective anyway), using solar power, oceans are getting warmer more slowly than atmosphere, duration of the damages even if we stopped emitting GHG today… I’ve seen a lot of diversity in what I read so I assume it must be complex.

I’ve also became aware of all the science behind meteorological modeling that must be so. much. work.

The fact that people argue against global warming caused by humans is beyond my comprehension. The evidence is completely clear. If you can’t accept that, you’re in denial. (But why?)

Stephen Harper, previous prime minister of Canada wrote:
Kyoto is essentially a socialist plot to extract funds from the wealthiest countries, reads the letter, which is signed by Mr. Harper. Implementation of the treaty would seriously harm the oil and gas industry, which is essential to the economies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Workers and consumers across Canada will lose. KYOTO AGREEMENT MAKES NO WINNERS IN CANADA [Editor’s note: capital]

Looking or believing you’re smart / being a conspiracy theorist / compelled by keyboard warriors or being one…lobal-warming/

Keeping the oil industry alive because they’ve been so slow and stubborn to accept that they needed to invest in “green” energy.

Being misdirected by corrupt scientists such as Dr Willy Soon (

Or sometimes, fear, disbelief that humans can have such an impact over the whole planet (let’s remember how very new that concept is to humans), plain ignorance, apathy…