yes… post yours here if you play i guess. I need some friends :(.
Mine -> Mr that Joe-cool guy 08
Edit by Nalin:
Yay word filter. Should be as follows (remove the period):
Mr J.oey 08
yes… post yours here if you play i guess. I need some friends :(.
Mine -> Mr that Joe-cool guy 08
Edit by Nalin:
Yay word filter. Should be as follows (remove the period):
Mr J.oey 08
Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags
Mine -> Cadavrez
Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags
My tag is PyromaniacPanda
Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags
Mines is opshon lol
Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags
You can enter your XBOX Live Gamer Tag and XFire username into your forum profile now and they showup as icons under your name :-*
Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags
my xbox live gamertag is Hellonagol and this is Justin… Hellonagol means Hello - Logan <— thats spelled backwards in case you wanna know its a secret message
Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags
If you're Justin then who the hell is Logan?
Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags
dude2020, What else?
Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags
My gamertag is ur boii jr
I got GTA IV and Pacman Championchip Edition. I got it with the Xbox 360 Arcade.
[QUOTE=iOpshon;5526]Cadavre u spelled championship wrong and whats ur gamertag :)[/QUOTE]
Yeah yeah. look on the first page of this thread lol.
My gamertag: Dangerless0 <-- That’s a zero.
Current games…
Halo 3
Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty: World at War
SEGA Superstars Tennis – Had to buy a new Xbox 360, so this game also had some arcade games like UNO and some others.
Now let this thread LIVE!
gamertag: dustyshouri
Halo 3
Fear 2
Guitar Hero 3
Orange Box(Team Fortress 2)
Fable 2
edit: hey my gamertag isn’t showing up under my name like Agret said it would
gamertag: dustyshouri
Halo 3
Fear 2
Guitar Hero 3
Orange Box(Team Fortress 2)
Fable 2
edit: hey my gamertag isn’t showing up under my name like Agret said it would
It used to on SMF…now it only shows in your profile.
deathangiel lol don’t ask it’s not actually my live account I stole it off of my friend.
Alright, I removed the old profile gamertag field and added a new plugin for vBulletin for your ‘gaming’ information which shows up under your profile, as well as posts (like mine is showing) =)
kiekojordan It means princessjordan or something in portugese. My gf had the final say on that one. If anyone wants to have a massive halo3 party, i’ll go rent that shit in a heart beat.
I’m keen I got Halo 3.
My gamertag is RhydinHunter (KoroshiyaHunter was too long, at the time). I usually only use it at friends’ houses, but say Hi if you catch me.
Lol. Halo 3 is probably the game I play most online. D: