XBox Live - Gamer Tags

yes… post yours here if you play i guess. I need some friends :(.

Mine -> Mr that Joe-cool guy 08

Edit by Nalin:
Yay word filter. Should be as follows (remove the period):
Mr J.oey 08

Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags

Mine -> Cadavrez

Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags

My tag is PyromaniacPanda

Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags

Mines is opshon lol

Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags

You can enter your XBOX Live Gamer Tag and XFire username into your forum profile now and they showup as icons under your name :-*

Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags

my xbox live gamertag is Hellonagol and this is Justin… Hellonagol means Hello - Logan <— thats spelled backwards in case you wanna know its a secret message

Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags

If you're Justin then who the hell is Logan?

Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags

dude2020, What else? :wink:

Re: XBox Live - Gamer Tags

My gamertag is ur boii jr


I got GTA IV and Pacman Championchip Edition. I got it with the Xbox 360 Arcade.

[QUOTE=iOpshon;5526]Cadavre :slight_smile: u spelled championship wrong and whats ur gamertag :)[/QUOTE]

Yeah yeah. look on the first page of this thread lol.

My gamertag: Dangerless0 <-- That’s a zero.

Current games…

Halo 3
Call of Duty 4
Call of Duty: World at War
SEGA Superstars Tennis – Had to buy a new Xbox 360, so this game also had some arcade games like UNO and some others.

Now let this thread LIVE!

gamertag: dustyshouri

Halo 3
Fear 2
Guitar Hero 3
Orange Box(Team Fortress 2)
Fable 2

edit: hey my gamertag isn’t showing up under my name like Agret said it would :frowning:

gamertag: dustyshouri

Halo 3
Fear 2
Guitar Hero 3
Orange Box(Team Fortress 2)
Fable 2

edit: hey my gamertag isn’t showing up under my name like Agret said it would :frowning:

It used to on SMF…now it only shows in your profile.

deathangiel lol don’t ask it’s not actually my live account I stole it off of my friend.

Alright, I removed the old profile gamertag field and added a new plugin for vBulletin for your ‘gaming’ information which shows up under your profile, as well as posts (like mine is showing) =)

kiekojordan It means princessjordan or something in portugese. My gf had the final say on that one. If anyone wants to have a massive halo3 party, i’ll go rent that shit in a heart beat.

I’m keen I got Halo 3.

My gamertag is RhydinHunter (KoroshiyaHunter was too long, at the time). I usually only use it at friends’ houses, but say Hi if you catch me.

Lol. Halo 3 is probably the game I play most online. D: