zodiac weapons!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how do i make it so i can use zodiac weapons?
how do i make it so i can use zodiac weapons?
how do i make it so i can use zodiac weapons?
how do i make it so i can use zodiac weapons?
how do i make it so i can use zodiac weapons?

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

This thread fails badly, I don't even know if your serioues or not. Why would you want shitty ass Zodiac system? Let alone host shitty ass Unholy Nation if its yours. >:(

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

Again I say, trigger actions. Like the mining script I tried providing you with.

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

spam x4

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

Try not to be too harsh on the guy he's just likes the area of Zodiac like i like Era.
I dont know why sum people would play Classic its a waste of time and its sooooooo boring.

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

Era requires you to have someone on the inside or for you to already have your foot in the door to make some good progress without having 10 people trying to gun you down when you're unarmed. Not to mention its just a plain insult to one of my old favorite servers, with Era being it's heir and all.

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

Everyone has different tastes in servers. While I have played on Zodiac last year for a bit, I didn't find it much fun at all since there was Val and some others. As for Era, its becoming so popular that other people have tons of servers like it. As classic is the only one that doesn't fellow this path. :-\

Re: zodiac weapons!!! !!!

How about I break you in half Classic style? Yeah, that’s right. I’ll blow you up with a bomb, shoot you with an arrow, rip you apart with a Bruges Bird, sneak attack you with Rat Form, own you in Falling Blocks, smash you with a hammer, dig your grave with a shovel. It’s all coming at you.

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

Spooon ur a old man lol so you like classic how about i cut you! in half Era syle get a grenade launcher and blow you up grab the katana and cut you in half then get out the 8 gauge shotgun and blow you apart then burn you up with flamethrower then get colts and dual out baby woooooooot pwnt

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

Then Ill go DBZ on both your asses with my Triple Power Hakuden Attack. Then I’ll use Spinning Disc, and knee kick you in the face! Then after thats done I’ll blow up your god damn planet because my power level is over 9000! Oh Yeah!

Anyone else who thinks their overbearing ego can destroy worlds and overkill entire cities, please go into the next room for the e-dick measuring contest and prepare to lose to some lesbian’s dildo.

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

Classic is classic for a reason, when graal was made and it was decided “this system is the most diverse, it’s fun, and you don’t get pissed off by skill-less pkers who just shoot you and win every time”

I really despise what has been done to graal, having cars and guns and leveling is all very exiting for sterotypical 12 year old boys but boring and un-changing to people who have played for a while.

Classic servers are always the ones filled with oldbies because they are so much more playable and things change (and not change as in just, the layout of buildings or a new type of gun…) because theres no leveling and heavy tasks and hitting a rock with a pickaxe npc that makes annoying chinking sounds forever, and scaming people, and no “U, I TRADE U UR MEGA-SWORD 4 GOLD YES?” so community works awesomely in classic graal, and you get guild wars and feuds and spar champions and all that awesome stuff that makes people keep playing. Unlike ‘leveling’ servers and era, where most people only play for a month or two, and everyone is constantly on the move, hitting rocks for hours and trying to scam newbies.

Classic wins.

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

It is true, for era you either need to have someone on the inside for you because the money making sucks and as soon as you get a few dollars, somebody shoots you down and takes it from you. i would prefer: Classic, N-Pulse, and zodiac

Re: zodiac weapons!!!

Hmn…i find it hard to imagine the zeitgeist ever changing on zodiac though, i guess i could be wrong i didn’t play it much, but from my experiance when you hit someone and it says “miss” on graal, you should press f8 and never go back again rofl.

Oh yea, if you’re/were a recent player on classic (the server), mass message “curze” for me and see what the imediate response is. Should be pretty funny XD