1.) Phoenix

For Graal Reborn:

Okay, okay. We’ve decided to show you guys what we have been working on. So, here is your preview of Phoenix.

Rone and I started this project two years ago. In that time we’ve had some misteps and accidents. Phoenix was lost two times to harddrive problems only to come back better the third time. So, what you see now is the product of two years of lost content, rebuilt. Tricxta joined the team last Spring and we have been turning a big empty map into a big content filled map.

Phoenix is a back-to-the-basics Graal server. We are using the standard game mechanics, the standard HUD, PKing (is encouraged) and pics1 (with only a few exceptions). That is to say, there is no leveling up, no new sword or armor systems, and the grind is at a minimum. We have introduced new elements (for instance a new Q-menu and new horse graphics), custom GUI’s, and new/custom items, but we tried to stick to the basics as we saw fit.

The map is 25x25 (that is 625 levels) with an additional 150 interior levels (give or take a few) already built. No level generator was used and it was all built by hand. We also strived to make several different types of landscapes that exist in very specific areas so that Phoenix is actually a varied, but consistent experience as you walk through it.

Phoenix has (and will have) many quests/jobs/items so that the single-player style will be promenient when starting the game, but the farther you go along the more help you’ll need from other players. Phoenix is meant to be a game, as much as it is a social experience.

Right now we have about 7 quests completed with many more to come. We try to make the quests fun and different. That means each quest is a new/different expereience from the last quest. They are not just a bunch of push/pull puzzles or clear-the-room baddies styled quests, although, there is/will be those too. Also, some quests are confined to dungeons, others will take traveling the map to complete. We will provide direction when necessary through NPC’s, so that if you can’t figure out a quest some NPC(s) will have a clue(s) for you.

There will be five jobs in Phoenix. Berry picking, fishing, lumber, mining and cotton. Berry picking will take no investment, but have a little pay-off. Fishing will have a small investment, and a little better pay-off. Lumber, mining and cotton will all have a high investment, but chances for higher yields too. The jobs are structured so you’ll have to start doing tedious berry picking/fishing to get the money to invest in the higher paying jobs. We haven’t worked out the specifics of the market yet, but we are going to try and control the economy and prices best we can. We also intend on having a market place so players can buy and sell “drops” from the jobs.

Phoenix is divided among three dominate kingdoms: Cloudrest, Artareo and Montefort. It is not necessary for a player to join one of the kingdoms, although, certain quests require a kingdom tag. For completionists, you’ll need to join a kingdom to get all items. Cloudrest, Artareo and Montefort are all vary different in their ‘style’ so that a player may feel more strongly towords one kingdom over another. Joining a kingdom will also come with a unique NPC that will give the player a slight advantage over non-kingdom players. Kingdoms will be run by players, not NPCs, so this idea can only work if we have players!

At the center of Phoenix is the town of Vale. This town is the administrative center. The ‘Unstick Me’ place, Police/Jail,Tailoring,Events HQ,Spar Areana,General Store, and Bank are located here. It is considered neutral area so that no PKing will be allowed within the town, which is not so in any other town.

There are smaller towns too: Klickitat and Merkwood. These towns will mainly be used for RPing/Quests/Inns.

Phoenix is a big map and we recognize that getting from one place to another is frustrating. We wanted Phoenix big so it felt like you were traveling while playing. However, there are plenty of modes of transpertation that you can earn. There will be horses, warp stones for the major towns (Vale, Cloudrest, Artareo and Montefort), a draisine, as well as, personal speed boosters such as running boots and shield power 3 (which actually speeds your character up quite a bit).

Mollusk (Owner, LAT, GFX, Quests)
Rone (Owner,LAT,GFX,GAT)
Tricxta (Admin, NAT, GFX, GAT, Quests)
Kondie (Tester)

Here are some links to some screen shots from Phoenix from older posts:





AND attached below are some screenshots of the map, our tailoring, fishing, berry picking systems and horses.

AND MORE you just can’t see it all yet! We still want a lot of it to be a surprise. However, we will be officially updating with some sort of regularity.

Special Thanks to:
Shiny (Grahpic dumps)
Shrimpie (CDA Graphic dumps)
Downsider (Original Warp Stone Script)
Riley (Gfx - Bottles, Hosting)
Urza (Hosting)
Spooon (Tester)
Dylan (Tester/Original Autumn Forest Levels)
The Graal Reborn Staff and Admins (for existing)
Everyone for their support and comments and anyone else we may have forgotten!


Also, you guys can motivate us to finish quicker by staying on topic. flame eachother elsewhere. thanks.

I think it’s all dumb. So there.

great stuff man!.[COLOR=“Silver”]

---------- Post added at 05:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:22 PM ----------

[/COLOR]i already wanna play it lol. but it is staff only :[

Currently, staff only! And probably for awhile and until we are finished. We feel like leaving it up for people to play while we build is silly.

Now, we might have to do some beta testing when it’s complete enough that will be open to players, but not until we finish the map, get all the jobs, and quests done. Until then we are going to leave it restricted to staff.

We will be posting updates every so often. So, keep checking on the progress.

Damn this is like UN, only for Reborn. Nice work.

This look/sounds nothing like UN dood

Never played. It’s certainly heavily influenced by g2k1 and classic, though.

it just reminded me of UN’s quirkiness. I dunno how to explain it. It’s the first thing that popped into my head.

Of course. Provided you have your own secksy music to dance to while fishing.

i’ll be checkin from time to time for updates!.

Can this thread be moved to: http://forums.graal.in/forums/forumdisplay.php?87-Phoenix?



idk why, but the map reminds me of Maloria. the snow in the top. water at the buttom

Money tits.

It’s a common layout if you think about it. North is where it gets cold, then, near the south it’s all beach-like.

Yeah and middle east is where it’s hot, sandy and always war!


I mean, this is on mark. We weren’t trying to be revolutionary. We just needed a template and we didn’t like the idea of making islands. The map is so big we wanted a very easy land layout with familiar landmarks. It’s a pretty common Zelda layout too, which is another reason why we chose to do it like that.

I’d never really considered a world wrap. Although, I don’t dislike the idea. I might be more apt to do it if had it been planned for from the beginning.

You thought that was clear? y u so condescending?