It wouldn’t be hard at all to make a modern sever without npcserver as twiggy said.
The proposed jobs on the server:
Beekeeping (and u can train the bees to attack players too…)
Weapon and Ammo Manufacture
Pyrotechnic Manufacture
Baking Foods
Collecting Coconuts from Coconut Trees
3 Gangs , probably player business’s related to their manufacturing of weapons or other jobs.
Cars would be available, and i found a way to make it so players can actually ride in your car with you.
Guns are easy to make but im deciding right now wether to do 360 degree movement… so it would take longer because every gun image would need at least 8 directions… N NW W SW S SE E NE
Oh yeah i put the screenshots back up in the first post.
im planning on making an 8 direction player too … but there are problems with the 360deg movement… making it so when you hit a wall at an angle you move along the wall still but dont go thru it… i might not do the 360deg movement because of this problem… just going to stick to the regular 4 dir movement… less of a headache(i suck at math)