The forums should now be somewhat usable again. Have fun. Updates to the website and forums will roll out during the week.
What the fuck is Open Graal?
Temp logo for new site design. Logo contest soon.
Riley’s going to win.
He’s like the only one here who can GFX properly.
Make it so we can go back on clients… im bored as hell. :mad:
@First line - Yen: I look forward to the contest. I think it should be fun.
@Second line - Yen: Not really lol I can even name off a bunch of capable artists.
^-Tie between these two.
Cadavre (He edited my first custom body pretty well. It impressed me. lol)
Jatz (What the hell is this thing? A cracker?)
Chicken (A chicken, 'nough said.)
Saputo (Much respect, very talented.)
Spooon (OMG I spelled it right. He’s capable when he puts his mind to it.)
Mirage (Much respect, very talented.)
Yenairo (Yeah you’re here too. You put effort into it, and thus I respect you.)
Urza (I know he has the ability to make stuff.)
VariousWeapons (He can make things too.)
Tricxta (May not be the best, but he puts in effort.)
This is a list of people I can think of off the top of my head.
That about sums it up in my opinion. I can’t think of anyone I might have missed.
If I missed anyone it’s because I can’t remember your images, or I just don’t think much of you.
I think I should reword what I said, I said that you’re LIKE the only good GFX here.
Maybe I should’ve said “You’re one of the only good ones here.”
And thanks
@First line - Yen: I look forward to the contest. I think it should be fun.
@Second line - Yen: Not really lol I can even name off a bunch of capable artists.
^-Tie between these two.
Cadavre (He edited my first custom body pretty well. It impressed me. lol)
Jatz (What the hell is this thing? A cracker?)
Chicken (A chicken, 'nough said.)
Saputo (Much respect, very talented.)
Spooon (OMG I spelled it right. He’s capable when he puts his mind to it.)
Mirage (Much respect, very talented.)
Yenairo (Yeah you’re here too. You put effort into it, and thus I respect you.)
Urza (I know he has the ability to make stuff.)
VariousWeapons (He can make things too.)
Tricxta (May not be the best, but he puts in effort.)
This is a list of people I can think of off the top of my head.
That about sums it up in my opinion. I can’t think of anyone I might have missed.
If I missed anyone it’s because I can’t remember your images, or I just don’t think much of you.
Damn, I meant to + rep you but I think I accidently - repped you, and I need to spread rep around before repping you again. (Is there a thanks button in this forum layout?)
Yeah, right to the left of the Star that gives rep - or +.
well, its up again…
lmao, I like how just because I showed someone the place for - Rep they gave me some, for “Poopy Face”
The forums scare me atm Dx
I say we just let Beholder or Shiny do it since they seem to be the best. But a contest would be nice as we’d get to see what other people come up with. So… I… have to agree with Riley. slaps self in face
[QUOTE=CrossFire;76285]Make it so we can go back on clients… im bored as hell. :mad:[/QUOTE]
Serverlist is on again. There’s a good chance we’re moving the site and forums over to Joey’s server instead, since my server seems pretty fucked…
Merged doublepost_______________
And I have a plan for the forums already.
What I’d like a contest for though is new client-design, 16x16px icon for website + forums + client, 32x32px icon for client.
I think Riley would be better at designing for the forums.
Grab butter and go fuck yah couch Yen.
what’s with the sudden hostility by everyone?
Unless that was meant to be funny. >_>
[QUOTE=RileyFiery;76413]Edit: Okay I understand after re-reading your post what you’re looking for. The 16x16 px icon is a favicon which is seen on the left side of the tab/title of webpage in any given browser. The 32x32 is the shortcut/.exe icon shown on a user’s computer. Is this correct?[/QUOTE]
That’s what I took it to mean.
Though if he doesn’t mean those, then idfk what he means.
Also, it’s not offensive.
Okay a little bit.
Jeeze guys. Don’t take it so seriously. I mean. You insulted a shit ton of people with your comments lol. I was just responding to that. Didn’t think you’d think I was trying to be a prick. Only a smartass.
It’s Chicken, so no, it’s not suppose to be hostile. If you find it hostile towards you, just say the word, and it will be removed.
For Client-Design, would we be making a skin, and mock-up server browsing images?
Edit: Okay I understand after re-reading your post what you’re looking for. The 16x16 px icon is a favicon which is seen on the left side of the tab/title of webpage in any given browser. The 32x32 is the shortcut/.exe icon shown on a user’s computer. Is this correct?
Client, the only thing you do is design the login-screen. Position of buttons and stuff like that. Then we edit the client to look like that.
About the icons, yes and yes. Might even make bigger sized icons aswell as most computers run vista/7 now and uses 48x48 or 64x64 icons.