Happy Halloween From N-Pulse!


Happy Halloween From N-Pulse!

Along with a Halloween themed tileset and decor, we have also made other server updates I figured I would make everyone aware of so you guys can come on and check it out.

We are currently working on getting a Radio NPC to set up an old favorite, N-Pulse Radio. We are also working on an Event Coin system and converting our events into GS1. Our hopes is we can have the radio and a decent amount of events set up in time for Halloween so we can broadcast a Halloween Horror show over the radio and host some events for you guys.

We do have an awesome team with coders who are helping us tremendously; Shimmy, Goodfella, Eroz. Even with these guys, more scripting help is always welcomed and needed. So if anyone is interested in joining the team and helping out please feel free to inbox me. =)

We have also been spreading the word of our server to GraalOnline players in hopes it will extend our community even further.

Hope to see you guys around!

The happiest of Halloweens to everyone! May we celebrate on N-Pulse for many years and many holidays/events!!

Play the server or I’ll find you and put a lot of chicken in your shirt.

your tileset isn’t loading

That sign… It’s clipart.



Plus coming from the crew who legit copied our entire server… I don’t think you have room for pointing fingers LOL

Kalzor has nothing to do with it
it’s not the property of any of us either, its some old backup

I only work on quality content. Besides, I hate dylan as much as you do. I wouldn’t work with him on purpose.

Yeah but difference is I actually worked on N-Pulse back then and have been an Admin on it several times. You weren’t even playing when N-Pulse was around let alone the N-Pulse of our content.

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Plus there is no sense in wasting valuable and limited resources on holiday content that is only going to be up for a few weeks when we have so much to do. Its not like these things are important to our server. Just fun content for us to celebrate for a bit and then its gone.

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Plus there is no sense in wasting valuable and limited resources on holiday content that is only going to be up for a few weeks when we have so much to do. Its not like these things are important to our server. Just fun content for us to celebrate for a bit and then its gone. Kinda funny how you ignored all our other original images that are actually part of the server.

One moment you’re telling us to care about your transient server and its transient holiday theme (of which is also several weeks early-- fuck halloween), and the next you’re telling us that you don’t care about these things because they wont matter in a few weeks. Pick one.

kalzor was playing then. He just didn’t play N-Pulse. You gotta remember that there are a lot of people on here who have been playing just as long as you have, and some even longer.

My original name is on one of the chairs in angel clan church.

The holiday is transient, the server is not. Is it fun to slightly edit the tileset and add some images to celebrate? Sure. Is Halloween or any other holiday for that matter a corner stone or any type of actual importance to the actual server? No. We aren’t going to pull a lot of resources from stuff that the server actually needs for stuff that we are only going to have up a few weeks.

You seem to not like Halloween but it is one of my favorite holidays, along with many many others. Its one of the most popular holidays. Is it early? Sure. But tell that to Syfy and Chiller and every other TV Network that plays Halloween/Horror movies all October. I’ve watched a Friday The 13th Movie 4 times already and its only the 3rd. Its fun. Relax and enjoy.

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I was talking about Dylan.

And unless someone played the first, second or third month of the game’s existence then longer isn’t a factor lol.

See you in six months, buddy. (not)

We’ll see. =)

What was your Graal Online name btw?

I’ve been playing since 2002 with various names since I was like 7 years old so I don’t really have anything to tell you even if there was a really good reason. I mostly used the generic “unknown” name, unless I was begging for p2p. I chilled mostly on Delteria and later Maloria.

HunterZangetsu/K9 let me use his account, if you even know who he is. He liked playing on Era and stuff.

Ah so you’re a nobody?

Thought everyone was complaining that most people weren’t trying to use graal reborn anymore or attempting to setup a legitimately played server. Then a group of people do, and there’s annoyed or petty comments towards every thread.

Thank you. My point exactly.

Not only that, we are pretty capable of grabbing (who knows how much of) a portion of Graal Online, mainly Unholy Nation’s community once we get everything functional. On top of developing a server we also now have to defend our project from every snotty comment when we try to give an update on what we are doing… Kinda annoying. Everyone here has either not tried to create anything to help the community or has tried and failed. And by failed I don’t necessarily mean their project was terrible, but they weren’t able to grasp an actual player base and grow not only their server but also Graal Reborn in general.

Let them hate, its fine by me. We are just going to keep moving forward and create a great project.

He was talking about you.

Are you really trying to be high and mighty that his ‘fame’ is less than your ‘fame’ on what has always been a very low population mmorpg? That might be the single most pathetic ego stroke I’ve ever seen.