Originally this project started as Squall (SquallX7X) and myself attempting to hack the gserver2-src leak to work with Graal-NW as it looked like a cool game and it got canned by the official Graal Online (although the features were eventually ported into newmain, i.e. setfocus). We messed around with that for a long time and then we stopped working on it.
Squall (I think, not entirely sure who it was) contacted me a few years later saying he’d got the server to work with Graal 2, this was cool news even though the support was basic and you could just kind of both load into one level but links and npcs and stuff were broken, you could at least see each other move around (ganis weren’t working though and PMs were retarded).
I got involved with Squall again and we started hacking away at the code, then I let 39ster know about our progress in getting Graal2 working. He was interested and I sent him over the sources and he had a play around too. Eventually he got sick of messing with the source and performed the awesome task of re-coding the server in C++.
Pac got involved with the server around the time of the re-code and then Nalin joined the team, that’s pretty much the progress up til now. I think Joey got us involved with Marlon and Pac to begin with and was a major force in organizing what is now known as Graal Reborn.
Cadavre has been our loyal host throughout and we wouldn’t be where we are today without him.
Actually, this was four projects merging together at one point of time.
first it was Eevul-Graal (my Graal 1.39 server) and Yamo-Hotaki (Some norwegian Graal 1.39 server).
Those two merged together as Eevul-Hotaki. At the same time Agret worked on this Graal2 project that I didn’t know of. Eradia Online was a german project to achieve just the same thing as Agret and Squall wanted to do.
Anyway, when Pac joined up with Agret in reverseenginering the Graal-nw leak source to work with graal2, he found my irc-channel. The same irc-channel we use today. Pac said they needed hosting, and I were interested of this project. Pac knew about this german project too at the time, but didn’t want to tell me where they hangout.
When Eevul-Hotaki and Agret, Squall and Pac’s project merged we decided to choose a name. Graal Reborn got to be the name.
One summer we all grew tired of never getting everything to work, then Eradia Online merged with us and we changed the name to that. After some legal threats later, every staffmember of the original Eradia Online vanished.
We changed our name back to Graal Reborn. 39ster (who had been a sort of regular in our team) came back and told us he had started doing a recode of the gserver. At the same time Anti-Unixmad woke up from the dead, which brung Joey and Jellyfish to Graal Reborn. Some time after that I get legal threats from Unixmad and Anti-Unixmad takes over the whole operation.
I get into a fight between Joey, Jellyfish and me. And I got banned for a month or two. We got back together and Jellyfish grew tired of Graal Reborn and fucks everything up(deleted domains, hacked the site, etc). This is when I bought Graal.in. I told Joey and he and I started to build everything up again.
that pretty much sums it up, I might’ve missed something, this is of course a period of 4 years, 2004-2008.
I remember when jelly hacked the forums… it was not pretty! Lol The porgress on this project is testimonial and awe inspiring. The potential is great so long as we dont allow unixfagot or ne one else to fuck it up. Keep up thee great work!
Hehe that makes me nostalgic… and feel old
I started playing when I was 12, 10 years ago, and seeing graal start from a poorly-made game with like 10-30 ppl online and improving new versions every month, getting hacked at times, until it reached the “stable” state of 1.39 was a lot of fun…
I wish we can bring some of that old fun back on our servers one day…
By the way, I got my classic/retro playerworld sleeping in my hard drive, which I hope I can use someday in graal reborn…
the host of Yamo Hotaki was named FoeCuz, he went as the alias Ninjaterd at the time (I think, ive been friends with so many people on the internet)
I first met him on Valikorlia back when it was good (before p2p) I was recruited into the Alkarian Army, he was a general named Storm Markant, i joined his mini-guild/family Markant, and became Crp. Clantu Markant -=of=- (Alkaria)
He and a friend going by alias La0 were working on a private server with no name (just screwing around accually), they hosted a basic classic server 1.39, I started making levels for them, we had a small playerbase, he also got legal threats from the nazi.
I see him every now and then on msn, he mostly plays battlefield now.
My personal Graal history: http://forums.graal.in/forums/showpost.php?p=4643&postcount=9
I started playing in grade 7 (2001) and only really played on Classic Graal. Me and some other guys started a guild called Doomsday Warriors and we could only make it an “official” guild if one of us created a p2p account. I upgraded my account and made the guild official, but then i started playing the graal2k1 server. I played this server for a while and one day i was bored and set my nickname to “'*Stefan” and for some reason this is a good enough excuse for me to be GLOBALLY banned from every graal server. Stupidly, i ended up creating two more p2p accounts and they were also globally banned for “ban evasion”. The prick that banned all my p2p accounts was Loriel and this pretty much made me join the anti-graal movement. With all the money i lost from those accounts i was very pleased to hear that Viper had DoS’d the graal list server while alot of the other anti-graal members thought he went to far (obviously they hadn’t lost out as much money as i had). I added him to my Aim and started talking and helping him DoS (on a 56k connection =D). Matriark Terval was hosting some playerworlds on 1.39 gserver and he let me run the classic graal server. After this was shutdown i found a website host called splicehost that gave SSH access. I bought a hosting account which claimed “unlimited bandwidth” and used SSH to start a graal server on. The server/site was called graaladventure.com and at one stage had 50 players online. I was able to get the amount of players by extracting all the emails from some account list thing and mass mailing everybody about the server. I had to shut it down after unixfag started complaining to splicehost. A little while later i bought another hosting, but this time it was my own dedicated server and i hosted graal files like old versions and gservers which i had downloaded from a site called trinnexx or some shit (it was already shutdown by the time i started hosting the files). Me and Viper would continue to do weird shit like infecting people with trojans that would automatically download a graal server and FTP server and ran them whenever they turned their computer on. We would also search for VBulletin exploits to hack the graal forums, but someone got hold of Angels forum password and we used that instead and took over the graal forums for a day. Then there was a forums called antigraal or antiunixmad which i joined and i think i was Admin. I added Jellyfish to my aim list and we talked. Some thing happened with Viper sending fake bomb scare emails to a school and some people said he was sent to prison for 20 years (which was a load of shit). A while later (maybe a year) i saw Viper log into Aim and we started talking again. He later told me about a project trying to get the old hacked gserver sources to work for the newer graal clients. I joined the IRC and told them i knew some C++ and i might be able to help. I helped fix a few bugs then left. I started helping out again after some germans apparently screwed the code up or something, but then decided to re-create the gserver from scratch because Stefans source code was too messy to work with.
EDIT: Dontar, no my alias my Ninjaterd. Must be confusing me with someone else, although i did host a 1.39 gserver (graaladventure.com) and i think you were admin or something on it. I had two 1.39 server. One was hosted by Matriark Terval and the other (graaladventure.com) i hosted at splicehost.
EDIT: Dontar, no my alias my Ninjaterd. Must be confusing me with someone else, although i did host a 1.39 gserver (graaladventure.com) and i think you were admin or something on it. I had two 1.39 server. One was hosted by Matriark Terval and the other (graaladventure.com) i hosted at splicehost.[/quote]
I think I am mistaking, I remember Graal Adventure and splicehhost, specially Terval. Its just I remember so many people i get past nicknames mixxed up…
remember the 1.39 server hosted by Dunarie? thats the first ever 1.39 gserver I played on after p2p came…
I started playing graal about 2 1/2 years before graal went p2p, it was when it was just one server and all thrown objects were frozen on your screen when you paused (which caused a lot of pking because people would throw hundreds of bushes and bombs at paused players) I think it was official 1.39. I was known as Guarddog, then I joined SeeD and became Dontar {SeeD} {Balamb Garden} then just Dontar (SeeD) when it became a global guild. by the time graal went p2p, SeeD all but disappeared (it had only 1 guildhouse on npulse which I hid from pkers in since i could access the members only areas)
after SeeD died I joined the Hunterz guild I was Dontar Hunter (MHX) or whatever tag they used then, thats where I got my current MSN [email protected] since all members were required to have one. I spent a lot of time in them untill I got pissed at one of higher ups that was an asshole and started flaming and threating them, I got kicked shortly after.
then I started hacking, I was just a script kiddy using different trainers, then I started with a hack engine and learned how to change the text of different npc’s that had text above thier heads…It was back when npulse had classes, I started out of a mage, got tired of it and had the leader of the CHeeTa clan hack my account and change me into a healer (I was friends with him) I was thusly banned from npulse (put in the ban level)
when graal went p2p and accounts stopped saving position and started at onlinestartlocal when not p2p, I started hacking again, I got a trainer that let me load levels from harddrive, I loaded an offline level with a modified bow that had a massive cheat script attached to it (the Ultimate Cheat Script which I posted on the forums here) and started spamming levels with hundreds of superbombs and joltbombs, and gold rupees, I ended up royally screwing the economy on npulse, I never did get re-banned. that is untill I started emailing unixmad death threats and mailbombs (around the time I started playing on Dunaries gserver)
I randomly join p2p servers (isp changed backbones which changed the base IP which let me bypass the ipban) to advertise 1.93 gservers, havent advertised Graal Reborn yet because I stopped going on Graal Online
As far as I remember it. I remember Josh who was involved in the MYSQl aspect of things started implementing MYSQL (store items, accounts etc…) into graal. 2.17 wasn’t exactly stable as much as Josh had tried. Me and marlon helped out with MySql aspect but Josh i think was apart of the early days of 2.17. I’m not sure if anybody knows Josh though…
At the time I was hosting and implementing graal concepts on my Private World of Warcraft server which he has taken a interest too. Then he sort of lost interest in the project and got into WoW.