History of Reborn

I lost interest in everything when I started World of Warcraft…then I lost interest in that…now I am back to random gaming, right now i’ve been playing different RTS games.

C# > Java… any day :slight_smile:

C# == JAVA… any day. Just as retarded. C# isn’t even an official C language since it’s more of a scripting language since you don’t really compile it. (Just like JAVA)

Technically you compile it into some sort of ‘bytecode’ which on runtime compiles into ‘machine code’ :o… and with my current experiences… its faster then java imo :).

Fuck you guys, I LOVE using Java! How can you guys hate it so much? :frowning:

It’s not stable at all. And it’s much slower than if you write the same app in C than in C#.

It also makes for a large hole in security and ‘Internet Explorer’ barely supported the damn thing back in the day, haha.

This is what I meant, just didn’t have the words for it back then since I had a hungover…

Java likes to instant crashkill any browser im using unless I remove all old versions of it and make sure I only have the most up to date one installed. For some reason the installer doesn’t do this though and you have to do it yourself >:/

Java is gay, C# although very similar in the way its compiled into bytecode is a lot faster because its early declared. Java is just so damn slow…
It makes my unefficient code too obvious :stuck_out_tongue:

Eradia Online…

LoL WE, Search, Schnuppie_Legend, me Ganon and some others like Bass, KingZ started this whole Project in summer of 2006.
Search and Schnuppie_Legend was the coders of the gServer and a never publicied alpha version of a NPC-server
i remember Marlon and Pac(2000/3000), who wanted this Source… we gave them and left Project called “Eradia Online” :wink:
after summer 2007 i left these all here completly… now im back… plz tell me via ICQ or EMail or PM who is actually the Leader of the Graal Reborn Project

Pac, Agret and I was working on a own 2.1 port of the GServer. We wanted your source to see if you had done any further improvements than us. You might have. But I don’t remember.

Who remembers Uiaad’s ‘Tribute Online’?

Unsure, but christ, can’t remember the last time I’ve seen his name.

Yeah… he got mad at his programmers. They were making a new client that read Graal levels and GScript. Lost connection with him. Helped with out back when I liked scripting.

Joey made something like that too, with a little help from beholder as I recall. Nothing that was ever finished though. :frowning:

I talk to Uiaad still. Last I’ve heard, he’s been working on a MMORPG and the last time I tried to IM him, I found out “he’s been approached by an American publisher and is away at America. I’m getting some files off his computer to send to him.”

I doubt he’d trust a 14 year old with that responsablity.

hm, well. fun fun?

and as for leaders… it’d probably be marlon, me, nalin, beholder, agret and dangerless as our forum god!

Dangerless hasn’t been on for awhile.