JS Reborn

I realize that I had brought up the idea of a collaboration through Github, and I was seriously considering it, but it’s too early in the stage of development for me to do so.
Also, it would be very easy for someone to rip the code off and pass the project as their own. For that reason, I’m holding off until I have something established with more advanced systems. Furthermore, you are the only person that has demonstrated interest in helping with the actual code itself, so it would be useless to start a repo for such a thing at this point in time.

That being said, I am extremely open to any form of project contributions from anyone in the community, and there is a lot of work to be done aside from the engine itself.
There are currently two pending tasks for those that would like to help:
(1) Aiding in the creation of a level editor (which would greatly facilitate the process of level creation).
(2) Working on improving the current level’s design.

If you’d like to help code-wise with stuff that doesn’t relate to the level editor, I am always up for suggestions and
can let you know what needs to be done. The original demo code is available on the forums here.

I would be happy to make some levels for you once there is a functional editor running and perhaps a few graphics.

Also, check out http://opengameart.org/ if you want to steer away from Graal images.


Don’t count on me but I think I’ll try to undertake that task. Any good Javascript resources to jump-start me? Last time looked at javascript was like 15 years ago.

Regardless, that’s awesome to hear! :slight_smile:

I don’t really know of any particular JS resources other than Codeacademy.
You could try skipping around various sections to get a quick feel for conventions
and syntax; it should be pretty easy to follow. If you run into trouble or forget something, there’s
always StackOverflow or W3Schools.

Also, I realize that it may be much more consistent to keep things client-side, but if you’d
rather work on an editor in Java, that would also be acceptable. I intend on having the
editor generate text files that we’d manually upload to the server and parse with our code,
so it doesn’t really matter what language we use as long as it accomplishes that goal.

I was thinking making it in browser… can’t be worse to do than what I first intended to make: an in-client online editor in gscript.
Plus I believe there’d be more power to harness if done that way.

Sounds good, feel free to post here with any updates.

Sitting animation done! I also expanded the map a bit more.

And made a qt little forum…

Very cool man :slight_smile: Nice work so far.

Where’s your website again?

The forums can be accessed here: http://evora.forumotion.com/

I haven’t made the demo public yet, but I’ll definitely have it up there
by the end of this month for everyone to play around with.

I was looking at the tileset. The horizantal borders are a diferent size and color than the vertical borders and there isn’t any apparent inside or outside corners or tiles to transition from a vert or horiz wall. Unless I’m blind…I just think it needs some minor adjustments so you can form complete walls around the level.

Those beholder sprites though.

I believe he said somewhere on here that he’s fine with us using his stuff as long as it doesn’t end up on GraalOnline and then turns into paid content.
I definitely dont claim rights to any of his work and I made Evora (JS Reborn) as a community-based project.
However, if he doesnt want them up there, I wont hesitate to take them down.

Let me know if there is any crucial image files you need. Nothing to big, but I will be willing to help in any way I can - be bothered in. Lol. Just give a brief description and I’ll probably whip something up in a few days or less.

At the moment, a body sprite that is more suitable to the general textures of the game would be ideal.
If you come up with anything, feel free to sign up and post on our forums: http://evora.forumotion.com/
Any past artwork that you’ve done for Graal or GR and don’t mind adding to the project would be awesome too.

why dont you just claim a subforum here while you are still developing

I think there’s a certain advantage to standing outside of graal reborn given the bullshit spread by unixfag. In fact we should all just ditch the name graal reborn and start a new project call graal rebirth lol.

it was a greedy request since i dont want to have to sign up somewhere else

I don’t mind reposting with major updates here, and for those that would like to follow the process in its entirety or contribute to it, then there’s the option of the project forums.

Above anything else I’d just like to populate the forums so that we can attract other potential contributors/newcomers. I don’t mind bringing traffic to Reborn but like tricxta said, we should really look to distance ourselves as much as possible from Unix and Graal in general.

Either way, expect more updates tomorrow!