Level of the Week - Challenge #2

Welcome, one and all, to the new Level of the Week - Challenge #2!


The rules are simple. Anyone can submit an entry (one per person). Each week there will be a theme. A contestant will design a level based on the theme. When one week has passed (if we have less than five submissions after one week then we’ll extend it an extra few days. If we still don’t have five submissions we’ll just take the contestants that did submit, or extend more days.) we’ll have a poll and the community will decide what level is the best!
Last Challenge Winner: VariousWeapon
This Week’s Theme: OSLs/Server Lobbies (The Ultimate Idling/Chatting level).




  • No restrictions on size
  • No restrictions on tileset
  • Can be indoor or outdoor
  • Scripts and NPCs are allowed
  • Try and create the ultimate idling/chatting level

Just a few reminders:

  • Post a picture of the level. No .nw file required.
  • Use ALT+1 or ALT+2 to take a picture of your level.
  • ALT+1 takes a picture of your level without HUD, ALT+2 takes a picture of your level with HUD.
  • Be creative!
  • People can just submit their screenshot to this thread, but can upload the level to their own folder on PWA.

Check out the Level of the Week Hall of Fame

I’ll bring Graal Reborn to school today and work on a level at lunch

Unligned chairs for chatting without overlapping, bushes to hide… everything it needs but awesome latting skills.

An OSL should be a magical place.

Dances frenetically

Graal Editor is broken for me d:

This is one I built for Phoenix and it is actually part of Phoenix. I hope that doesn’t violate the rules. This is my favorite hangout spot.



rone the ghost wins!

I’m sure we’ll have to extend the entry time a little bit since 1.) there aren’t that many submissions and 2.) Thursday is Thanksgiving for some of us.

Anyway, keep submitting!

I want to do this. It just has been a long time since I leveled something. It might not turn out so good. I have to find my way around the tileset again, not finding the appropriate tiles is what holds me back most. :confused:

I want to finish the Graal Reborn PW aswell, but that might just never happen.


Considering the lack of submissions, I can’t decide whether to include this one or not. :expressionless:

This is still open. Just a few more submissions and we can begin to vote.

I’m surprised pixel art was more popular than actual level making :open_mouth:

The problem is this is too involved and really broad, I wouldn’t even know where to begin…

I’d just approach it like building an OSL with a bar and a couch. Also, sweet disco lights.

Masterpiece,this is a perfect example of perfection xDDDDD

Just noticed what the original pic is from…

I tried but not realy inspired I lost my old club scene
too bad zepher server isn’t still up it was there :frowning:
but yeah this would take awile to fine tune
oh and the book sheves in the middle they are Arcades

I vote for Rone’s level tho I would want to be there :slight_smile:

Use ALT+1 or ALT+2 to screenshot of your level.
ALT+1 takes a picture of your level without HUD, ALT+2 takes a picture of your level with HUD