Website/Forums logo contest

Rules: Make anything graal/GR related.
Height: 124px.
Width: Less than 800px.
Color scheme: May contain Brown and Green as base colors, rest is up to each contender to figure out.
Wish: That the image, like on the current opengraal one, fades out to the sides, or that there’s a repeatable pattern image that fit in well and isn’t too disturbing to watch as a compliment to the logo.

Winner gets VIP-status and/or the a color-change of whatever color you want (except red, blue and green as these are admin-colors).

So no multi-colored grainy pattern like before? Darn!

lmao, I so want to do this.
I just can’t right now.
(Maybe I can. >_>)

I’m making one. :slight_smile:

Yeah. Can’t get a screenie of Bomber Arena though…

Not my fault :open_mouth:

Changed my mind. I need photoshop for what I wanted to do.

Hahaha, thanking yourself.
I was wondering when you’d start whoring like that.

Yeah, every time I mention it someone moves my post to the off topic/flaming/trolling thread.

Certainly isn’t me.

[QUOTE=Kondie;77083]Yeah, every time I mention it someone moves my post to the off topic/flaming/trolling thread.[/QUOTE]

That’s because people don’t like you, Captain Obvious. :whatever:

[QUOTE=Yenairo;77100]That’s because people don’t like you, Captain Obvious. :whatever:[/QUOTE]


You know what I’ve noticed… No one is posting pics. for the logo, there just talking.

[QUOTE=Benzy;77233]You know what I’ve noticed… No one is posting pics. for the logo, there just talking.[/QUOTE]

No, we’re working on it.
If we are taking this seriously, then we will make it the best we can, since we have a good amount of time.


You’re not a C++ programmer.

[QUOTE=Spooon;77086]Certainly isn’t me.[/QUOTE]

looks at Riley I’ve got you in my sites. >:O

[QUOTE=Kondie;77302]looks at Riley I’ve got you in my sites. >:O[/QUOTE]



I will fucking kill you.

Damn! I would so enter this contest. If only I knew how to make a logo :confused: