Shitpost goes here.

Accurate depiction of Nazi’s vs Russians in Stalingrad?

I stopped watching around 1:40 … is that bad? Or good.

it’s good for your sanity and sexuality

I made 1.01$ at poker today.
Not too bad considering I doubled my investment.

another day at a job I don’t like, another shitpost

I especially like the part with the dinosaur.

DPS queues suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck

also I finally got my last highschool credit done so i’m officially no longer a drop out

take that suckers

hell yeah fuck highscool niqqa

also rip billy herrington

I watched this stupid documentary about sleep paralysis that was just really dumb but now I’m having sleep issues because I legit worry it could happen to me some day

send help

I regularly get sleep paralysis… it’s not that bad. Just like really annoying. I would want to wake up but just couldn’t because I can’t move and woke up in another dream. This is kind of worrying me since in case of a fire; if I was to be in sleep paralysis, I couldn’t wake up and I’d be dead. I legit tried to wake up for at least half an hour once. The trick I found which works best is, instead of trying to move, try to open your eyes. Open and open and open until you wake up for real.

I also get dreams where I can’t move because I’m too angry or afraid; that is disempowering and rarer.

Pretty sure if you’re above 13 you’ve experienced sleep paralysis at least once in your life and just aren’t aware you did.

I wake up punching a kicking sometimes. Woke up one time and I was kicking and I kicked the side of the bed frame so hard I couldn’t walk right for a week.

I cam’t recall ever even hearing about sleep paralysis let alone feeling it. Sounds horrible :X Can you still got a hard on with sleep paralysis?

I’ve never had sleep paralysis, but I do sleeptalk, sometimes sleepwalk, allegedly? The documentary made it seem much more horrifying, like, something out of a nightmare. I’m pretty good with horror but when there’s even a small chance something like that could happen to me, it feels real as fuck. Funny thing is I’ve probably had legitimately terrifying dreams that I shrugged off so I dunno what to expect if SP happens to me someday. I just hope I never see anything.

also yeah I know that feel about fires. I sleep pretty deeply so if a fire alarm goes off I tend to sleep through it because of the monthly fire alarm tests they do around my building… funny, I can’t remember having one this month, must’a slept through that.

Had a similar issue when I had my bed positioned against a wall, but instead, I’d headbutt the wall ( I guess it shows, aye) :bang:

Last night i dreamt i was colonizing an exoplanet with my dog who died a few years ago

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Tired as fuck today.

I wanna punch whoever is planning the patch content for FFXIV:Stormblood. What a shitty fucking game. You like that cash shop content? Yeah? We’re going to fund the next gay boyband expansion for FFXV instead of putting it directly into FFXIV content and upgrades. HA HA HA HA

I play FFXIV in very spaced out bursts of interest. I can only focus on a few games at a time and it’s just not one of them. Endless Space 2 tho.

I’m betting that they will fuck up 7 also. Probably have Barret with a grill oven arm attachment and Tifa setting up tents.

I wouldn’t expect it to be the same experience as the original, but I won’t bash on it until I have a good reason to. It’s being worked on by the same team working on KH3 and that did FFXV.

Got new pills for my tiredness. Hopefully it’ll help me. I’m on them right now and they kind of work.